How to get a new account
Instructions for obtaining an account on the WCTE intranet
Registration on is limited to members of the WCTE collaboration.
If you are a new member of the WCTE collaboration, you need to provide the following information to your Institutional Representative. They will enter the information to setup your account. You will then receive an email asking you to setup a password for your account.
Given Name:
Family Name:
Second Institution (if any):
Date that you started on WCTE: month and year
Position: (student, staff physicist, staff tech/eng/admin)
Completed a PhD (y/n)
Job title:
Preferred username (lowercase only):
Your institutional email address (commercial email addresses like are not allowed):
Once your account is setup, you will be able to change this and other information (apart from your username) by clicking on "Your Name -> Preferences -> Personal-Information" at the lower left corner of the web site. Be sure to set your preferred time zone.